
Here is 5G19B4 Classical BTS OAM Regression Testing Report(5G19B4)

Tested Jenkins job: http://mzoamci.eecloud.dynamic.nsn-net.net:8080/job/OAM_5GHZ_EIT_Regression/job/5g.classicbts.5G19_B4.oam.EIT-regression

Reported Time in UTC: 2019-11-19 09:52:01.949746

Jenkins Build Summary

Test Case Summary:

*ranked by failure rate from high to low

Rank Suite Name Case Name Result(pass/total) Max Duration(s) Max Pass Duration(s) Failed Builds
1 Login Wepage Loging with Correct Username and Password 7/11 30.0 30.0 105 107 108 109
2 Browser Commodity Browser Public Commodity 9/11 60.0 60.0 104 107
3 Login Wepage Loging with Incorrect Username and Password 9/11 70.0 70.0 105 107
4 Browser Commodity Browser Private Commodity 11/11 40.0 40.0